Doors open at 10:30 am for coffee and conversation.
Sunday Gathering begins at 11 am.
Childcare is provided. Everyone is welcome!
Featured Speaker: Joshua Stewart “The Bible is Not a Fairytale: the New Testament as History”
Community Moment: Joshua Hyde
Musical Guest: Sa Vaunts
Joshua will be sharing with us how modern scholars glean historical facts from the New Testament and debunking some of the popular myths surrounding Christian scripture.
About our featured speaker:
Joshua Stewart is an atheist activist and freethinker who deconverted from fundamentalist Christianity in 2009. His entire childhood and early adulthood were steeped in Christian Evangelical tradition. From being the son of the “Head Elder” (or pastor) in a Plymouth Brethren Chapel, to his marriage to the daughter of the Music Minister in a local Christian Church. And of course, all the youth groups, revivals and pop-church movements in between. Joshua is intimately familiar with the many variations of Protestant Christian culture that is pervasive in the South.